By-laws for community living

Create by-laws for existing and new communities in minutes for much less than law firms charge. Choose from our extensive templates and customise them to suit your community.


Are you carrying out Renovations in your apartment?

Do you want to allow animals, but with some controls?

Would you like to regulate short-term rental accommodation like AirBnB?

Do you have issues with people parking in visitor parking?

Choose from our large selection of individual by-laws or draft your own. Once they are prepared, By-Law Builder can assist with the process of consolidating and registering them.

Slide WORKS AND RENOVATIONS This by-law can be used to allow a lot owner to undertake renovations or other works to their lot which affect common property. The by-law sets out various procedures which the lot owner must comply with before undertaking the works, during the works and maintenance obligations going forward. The by-law can be customised to set working hours, notice periods and whether a security bond is required. You can also include specific provisions for installation of hard flooring and acoustic standards required for hard flooring sound transmission. Cost: $199.00 + GST Order Now SHORT TERM
This by-law is relevant for NSW. It enables a scheme to prohibit a lot being used for the purposes of a short-term rental accommodation arrangement if the lot is not the principal place of residence of the person who, pursuant to the arrangement, is giving another person the right to occupy the lot. Cost: $199.00 + GST Order Now
Order Now Cost: $129.00 + GST KEEPING ANIMALS Different communities have different approaches when it comes to animals. Strata communities in NSW can no longer completely ban animals after a recent NSW Court of Appeal Decision ruled that blanket bans on pets in by-laws is oppressive and will be invalid. Using By-Law Builder, you can update your animal by-law by choosing one of the following options:

1. Allow animals without requiring the prior consent of the OC, with limited conditions

2. Allow animals with the prior consent of the OC, with more extensive conditions
Cost: $129.00 + GST
Order Now SWIMMING POOL If your community has a swimming pool, this by-law is helpful to put some rules in place around its use. This includes opening and closing hours plus the age limit of children that can use the pool without adult supervision. Cost: $99.00 + GST Order Now SMOKING An Owners Corporation in most jurisdictions (such as NSW) can ban or regulate smoking on common property. You cannot prevent people from smoking within their apartments, but you can regulate smoking when it drifts into another lot or common property.

This by-law gives you the option between an absolute prohibition of smoking or a partial prohibition where there is designed smoking areas on common property.
Cost: $99.00 + GST
This by-law prohibits parking on common property (unless in a designated visitor parking space or as otherwise approved by the Owners Corporation).

This by-law can also empower the Owners Corporation to tow vehicles parking on common property in contravention of the by-law.
Cost: $129.00 + GST
Order Now MOVE IN /
This by-law provides rules for when owners and tenants move in or out of the building or community. When preparing the by-law, you can specify whether your community has a concierge or caretaker which will insert some provisions around notifying them. You can also customise the notice period for moving in or out and even whether your building has a lift or not. Cost: $129.00 + GST
Order Now TENNIS COURT If your community has a tennis court, this by-law is helpful to put some rules in place around its use. This includes opening and closing hours, how long you can book the court/s for plus the age limit of children that can use the tennis court without adult supervision. Cost: $129.00 + GST Order Now FLOOR
This by-law sets out repair and maintenance obligations for hard flooring and places controls on the installation of hard flooring, such as timber floors. It ensures owners are responsible for repair and maintenance of hard flooring and places controls and standards on noise transmission to reduce disturbance to neighbouring lots. Cost: $129.00 + GST
This by-law is used to regulate the use of bicycle storage areas in apartment buildings. These areas are usually in the basement or garage areas. This by-law is helpful if you have issues with residents not storing their bicycles properly or storing items other than bicycles. It can also be used for the storage of scooters. Cost: $99.00 + GST
Order Now USE OF
If your community has a gymnasium, this by-law is helpful to put some rules in place around the use of the common area gym. You can customise items such as the opening and closing hours and the age limit of children who can use it. Cost: $99.00 + GST
This by-law allows owners and occupiers to install window coverings such as curtains, blinds or shutters but with some reasonable controls, such as ensuring they are in keeping with the appearance of the building and are a certain colour or style. Cost: $99.00 + GST
This by-law is helpful if a scheme would like to regulate the way swipe cards, fobs or keys used to access common areas are issued to residents. The by-law allows for the Owners Corporation to charge a fee and/or bond for replacement keys and to code keys to restrict access to certain areas in the strata. Cost: $99.00 + GST
This by-law gives permission for owners and occupiers to have a BBQ on their balcony or courtyard, subject to some reasonable conditions. Order Now Cost: $99.00 + GST
SIGNAGE This by-law prevents owners and occupiers installing any type of signage in and around the scheme, including “for sale” or “for lease” signs. Order Now Cost: $99.00 + GST SUN-SHADES AND
This by-law requires owners and occupiers to obtain strata committee approval to install sun-shades, awnings or affix window tinting to their windows. Order Now Cost: $99.00 + GST
NOISE This is a general by-law requiring occupiers not create noise which will interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of other owners and occupiers. Order Now Cost: $99.00 + GST USE OF COMMON
If your community has a common area BBQ that residents can use, this by-law is helpful as it provides rules for the use of a common area barbeque and the surrounding area. This may include usage hours and obligations on residents to clean up after they use it. Order Now Cost: $99.00 + GST
Pursuant to section 137 of the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 (NSW) a by-law may limit the number of adults who may reside in a lot by reference to the number of bedrooms of the residence.

This by-law states that an owner or occupier must not cause or permit more than two (2) adults per bedroom to reside in their lot, being a lot that is a residence.
Order Now Cost: $99.00 + GST
In some strata schemes, there can be uncertainty around who is responsible for the maintenance or repair of certain items. A common property memorandum specifies whether an owner of a lot or the Owners Corporation is responsible for the maintenance, repair or replacement of any of the common property. Order Now Cost: $129.00 + GST


Are you a property developer registering a complete set of by-laws for a new scheme?

Are you a law firm or strata manager acting on behalf of a property developer?

By-Law Builder uses intelligent workflow and algorithms to develop bespoke by-laws suitable for your scheme or development, from walk-ups to complicated mixed-use developments with a BMS.

By-laws for every type of strata community…

Townhouse Development
Walk-up Apartment
Apartment – Residential Only
Apartment with Retail
Commercial Strata
Resort Community
Industrial Strata
Serviced Apartment Hotel
Complete set of by-laws from $499 + GST
Expert advice if you need it
If you prefer our expert legal team to prepare your by-laws or to review ones you have drafted, we are happy to help. We can also help with the work required to consolidate your by-laws and get them registered on title.
A well-drafted set of by-laws, suited to the unique requirements of your community, can genuinely help to create a better place to live for residents.